The Byzantine church of the “Ternità”
(Focà of Caulonia)
The byzantine church
Found at the feet of the “Timpuni di Focà”, the Byzantine
church of “Ternità” lies abandoned by everyone. It is a curious,
late Renaissance, orthogonal building. Today of this Byzantine
church, which was severely damaged in 1707 in a firefight between
local clergymen, is the “tiburio” which was altered, after the
earthing up of the lower part between 1846 and 1855 following
severe flooding in a small oratory (no longer used), by lengthening
the window and using it as entrance and placing a rudimentary
altar inside it. The inside, of the church is superficially surmounted
by a noble cornice which transforms the octagon into a perfect
circle on which the monolithic vault rests.
The inland of Caulonia is a favourite tourist spot
because of its clean unpolluted air and its green vegetation and
its clear blue skies. There are no resting areas and no adequate
structures but it is perfect for a hike or a picnic. Pezzolo,
Zija, Mount Gremi, Obile, Agromastelli, all these are clean, quiet
and silent areas which can symbolise an oasis of comfort and restorative
rest for whoever tends to be obsessed by the turbulent, hysterical
and chaotic life of the city.

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