The Allaro river
The Allaro river, known as Sagra by ancient populations,
begins its journey in the district of Fabrizia (CZ) and, just
like a huge and shining silver ribbon, it winds its way through
fertile fields until it reaches the placid, cobalt coloured waves
of the Ionian sea.
Along this river, deposit of ancient truths, in the
V century B.C., during the times when Rome was ruled by its first
kings, the Crotonians, the Locresi, the Tarantini and the Reggini
met in battle.
Back then, the Crotonians, not tolerating the League
between the Tarantini and the Locresi, threatened to wage war
with an army of 130 thousand men.

Allaro river (Antico Sagra)
The Locresi allied with the Reggini but, nonetheless
only managed to put together an army of 10 thousand men, mostly
Tarantini cavalrymen.
armies met on the Sagra river, where the Locresi, exhilarated
by the fantastic apparition of the “Dioscuri” (the deities
Castor and Pollux, heroes of Greek mythology), launched into
battle annihilating the Crotonians.
This surprising victory created the following proverb
used in connection with the incredible feats of the Locresi
and the Tarantini cavalry: “La cosa è più vera che il fatto
sul Sagra” (It is more true than the battle on the Sagra).